Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Surf's Up?

Check out my Baby Havaianas!

Monday, July 12, 2010

First attempt at Big Boys Food

On Sunday - Mummy and Daddy decided that it was time to introduce Noah to solid food, as you can see from the pictures below he really wasn't all that interested - but he did indeed make a mess!
"...The box looks interesting"
"What is this that you are feeding me?!!"
"Mummy - surely you know that I am a decaf breast milk latte man!"
"If you are going to force this on me, then at least let me hold the spoon myself!"

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lowering the cot isn't going to stop me Daddy!!!

"Daddy - lowering down the base of my cot really isn't going to stop me from trying to escape!"
This is how we were greeted after Noah's morning nap this morning.

Please Mummy....can I come to Singapore with you too?

Mummy is traveling to Singapore this week for work....and Noah is determined to stowaway in her suitcase!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Exploring the House

After two weeks on the living room mat, Noah decided that it was time to explore the rest of the flat setting off on an adventure to the Kitchen.

GOAL...Daddy's wine Fridge

Learning to Stand

Please Daddy - help me stand up...!!
P L E A S E ?
...even if I look at you with this cute face?

Ok - I will do it all by myself then...
But...I am going to get grumpy!

Almost there...
See - I knew that I could do it without your help!


Koh Samui here I come....

Living in a concrete jungle (aka Hong Kong) - Noah doesn't really get much of a chance to crawl on grass!
Time to put all those swimming lessons to good use

Make mine a number 47 please - "Phad Thai"

None of us wanted to leave Koh Samui at the end of the weekend and Noah was determined not to let the passports out of Mummy holder!
Mummy on the other hand was sporting a pout that even Posh would be jealous of...anyone would think she was being driven to her private plane!