Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My First Australia Day

Noah didn't allow the small technicality of not yet having been granted Australian Citzenship stop him from celebrating Australia day in style!

Noah's little flip flop socks!

Graddad Overton sent over a care package to help him get dressed in style & some fury friends to keep him company.
Happy Little Vegemite?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Chilling out with Gramma

gram·mar (grām'ər)
1325–75; ME gramery, gramaire, gramatica, grammatik (téchnē) Grammatical (art);

a. The study of how words and their component parts combine to form sentences.

b. The study of structural relationships in languages or in a language, something including pronunciations, meaning, an linguisitc history.

c. The system of inflections, syntax, and word formation of a language.

d. Maternal Grandmother of Noah Alan Keam

Out & About

Now that Mummy is feeling better - Noah has been able to explore the outside world...

First trip in the pram..Karen and Louise will no doubt be happy to see that the many boxes made their way safely from London!

First trip on the escalators

Walking along Bowen Road proved too much for Daddy...he was forced to take a rest at the 1km mark!!

Thank you

Since the 2nd of January, Mummy and Daddy have been overwhelmed by the generosity of our friends and family!

The postman and our doorman are now on first names basis! Packages have been arriving daily...and lets not forget all those who have popped over with baked goodies, cheese and biscuits and of course bubbly to help Mum and Noah adjust to life at home.

Noah's cot is starting to resemble his own personal ark - filling up with soft cuddly animals of the toy variety!

Watch this space over the coming days/weeks to see Noah sporting the many new items of clothing he has received.

Dad thought that the Pee-pee Teepee's was the funniest gift and very practical as well!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Week 2

Noah has Mummy and Daddy wrapped around his little finger when it comes to nap time, still refusing to sleep for prolonged periods of time in his cot or moses basket Mum and Dad are forced to let him 'bunk in' with them if any of us are to get a good nights sleep!

...Dad too is capable of capturing a secret photo on his i-Phone!!

Thursday 14-01-10 c. 06:15

Meanwhile in other news, since arriving at home Noah has been receiving requests for an audience like he was royalty! (although this little Prince has no rose bearers throwing petals at his feet!) Here are some of the people he has shared a cup of tea and a scone with so far....


With the arrival of Grandma on Monday (11-01-10), Noah was able to go on his first outing - to Starbuck of all places!, only to be picky about his choice of drink and demand only a "breast-milk latte" from Mumbucks!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lounging around

Since arriving at home Noah surprisingly hasn't been up to much, except lounging around with Mummy & Daddy!

First Night at Home

Noah really didn't want to sleep all by himself in his own cot on his first night home from Hospital and kept Mum and Dad up for many hours trying to settle him - consequently Dad broke his first big rule and let Noah sleep in bed with Mummy and Daddy!
Secretly I think that Daddy enjoyed it just as much as Noah!!

Mum's photo captured on her iphone proves it....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Coming Home

After 5 days at the Matilda International Hospital it was time for Noah to come home and see if Mum an Dad could look after him all by themselves!
Here are some photos of me getting ready to leave the hospital and then adjusting to life in the Mid-Levels!!

Saying Goodbye to Dr Chan

...not so happy to be home?!

Yes he is...just needed some time!

First Bath

It didn't take Mum and Dad too long to work out that Noah might be a little bit of a water baby, cos he loves having a bath!

First Family Photo's

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy Snaps

The Escape Artist

Day 3 and Noah is already quickly changing, his little cone head is starting to disappear and he is already showing his personality.

Just like on all the ultrasounds over the last 9 months Noah loves to have his hands up and over his face! Doing everything in his power to wrestle his arms out of his swaddle and where possible box off his little mittens! Earning a little reputation around the maternity ward as an 'escape artist' as he was even able to remove his mittens despite the Mid-Wife tapping them on!!

He is also develoiping quiet an appitite (and not for Jack Daniels like Daddy), but for Mummy's milk! Not content with feeds every 3 hours, Noah is demanding he is feed every hour and making it known in no uncertain terms that he isnt happy if he is not!!