Monday, January 4, 2010

The Escape Artist

Day 3 and Noah is already quickly changing, his little cone head is starting to disappear and he is already showing his personality.

Just like on all the ultrasounds over the last 9 months Noah loves to have his hands up and over his face! Doing everything in his power to wrestle his arms out of his swaddle and where possible box off his little mittens! Earning a little reputation around the maternity ward as an 'escape artist' as he was even able to remove his mittens despite the Mid-Wife tapping them on!!

He is also develoiping quiet an appitite (and not for Jack Daniels like Daddy), but for Mummy's milk! Not content with feeds every 3 hours, Noah is demanding he is feed every hour and making it known in no uncertain terms that he isnt happy if he is not!!

1 comment:

  1. he's just adorable - molly was the same fed wise, first few weeks it's all i felt like i did then 2hrly til 6mths - all very very normal :)
